- Rank
- How well a particular Web page or Web site is listed in a search engine results. For example, a Web page about apples may be listed in response to a query for "apples." However, "rank" indicates where exactly it was listed—be it on the first page of results, the second page or perhaps the 200th page. Alternatively, it might also be said to be ranked first among all results, or 12th, or 111th. Overall, saying a page is "listed" only means that it can be found within a search engine in response to a query, not that it necessarily ranks well for that query.
- Reciprocal Link
- This is a link exchanged between two web sites - each site places a link on its own web site to the other site.
- Registration
- See Submission.
- Results Page
- After a user enters a search query, the page that is displayed is called the Results Page. Results Pages may be called SERPs, for "Search Engine Results Pages."
- Robot
- See Crawler.
- Robots.txt file
- The SubmitWizard Search Engine Optimization Tool checks to see if your site has a robots.txt file. This is a file that includes a set of instructions for search engine robots (spiders) that index the content of your Web site pages. For those spiders that obey the file, it provides a map for what they can and cannot index. The file must reside in the root directory of your site.