- Image ALT Attribute
- ALT tag refers to an HTML tag that provides alternative text to an image, such as a description of the image. The HTML code for each image includes an attribute tag called the "alt" attribute. The "alt" tag is an attribute that shows up if the visitor's browser has images turned off or the images are not loaded. Some search engines look for keywords in your alt attributes of images. Use the image alt attribute to describe the image with the use of one or two relevant keywords. The SubmitWizard Search Engine Optimization Tool will check for the existence of keywords in your site's ALT attributes.
- Image Compression
- The SubmitWizard Search Engine Optimization Tool displays all of the images on your page and gives corresponding specifications regarding the compression of any image, GIF, JPG or PNG. Images affect the load time of your site, and a slow loading site may prevent the search engines from indexing your site properly. You can use this tool to check how changes in image compression will change this report. You can use an image software program to compress the images.
- Image Map Check
- See Content Check for Flash or Image Map
- Inbound Link
- See Backlinks.
- Inbound Link Popularity Check
- The Link Popularity Report displays the number of quality Web sites that link to your Web site. The more links that are going to your site from other Web sites, and the more relevant those other sites are to your site's content, the better your site will rank in the search engines. Link popularity is a very strong factor in Search Engine Optimization.
- To use the Link Popularity Tool to check the status of your site's popularity just enter your Web address/URL and click Submit. You can also enter an additional URL and compare your results with other sites. You will want to have a large number of sites linking to your site, and you will want those sites to be valuable and relevant to yours in content or subject matter.
- Example: If you are a book seller, links from other well- known booksellers will be more valued by the search engines than a link from a personal home page.