- H Tags
- See Header Tags
- Header Tags
- Search Engines determine your site's keyword relevancy using many criteria, including headings or headlines on your site's pages. On Web sites headers can be placed in the form of an HTML tag called the H tag. An H tag tells the browser that this text must be displayed in larger and bold text. To the search engines, H tag content is very important because it helps indicate the topic of the page's content. The SubmitWizard Search Engine Optimization Tool will check your site for content in H tags.
- You can easily make a headline into a header in HTML code by inputting h tags around your headline like this:
<h>Headline text goes here</h>
- HTML Analysis
- The SubmitWizard Search Engine Optimization Tool analyzes all of the HTML code used to create your page and checks for HTML errors and warnings. The errors are reported by line so your programmer or designer can easily return to the source code to make the needed changes.
- Header Content
- The HTTP header content is the technical data passed from a Web server to a browser. This tells the browser how the content should be displayed. This is not visible to you when you visit a Web site. The SubmitWizard Search Engine Optimization Tool will report your site's header content. Look for HTTP/1.1 200 OK,. If you see 301, our tool is detecting a redirected domain. Be sure you have configured this tool to check your primary domain.
- If the tool displays any of the following rather than 200, we recommend you contact your server administrator or Web hosting company to change this to a 200 or implement a proper redirect for multiple domains:
- 302 - This is detecting an internal redirect.
- 404 - This is detecting an error - home page is not found. Your Web site may not be live at the moment or cannot be accessed.
- 500 - This is detecting an internal server error. Your server appears to be down at the moment.
- Image ALT Tag Check
- The SubmitWizard Search Engine Optimization Tool performs this check. Images on your Web site can help you with your search engine optimization. The HTML code for each image includes a tag called the "ALT" tag. The "ALT" tag is an attribute that shows up if the visitor's browser has images turned off or the images are not loaded. Describing the images is a useful way to add value to your site. Use the image ALT tag to describe the image with the use of one or two keywords.