- Page Coding / Links Check.
- The SubmitWizard Search Engine Optimization Tool checks to see if your site has any broken links. Broken links are not search engine friendly. Be sure that if your site uses comment tags, do not try to hide keywords in the comments, and avoid putting large portions of code into comment tags.
- A comment tag looks like this:
<!--This text is a comment-->
- Page Status
- To make sure your Web site is functional when the spider visits your site to index it, the SubmitWizard Search Engine Optimization Tool checks the HTTP status of your Web site.
- "HTTP Status code" is the term for information exchanged between the browser on your computer and the Web server hosting your site. Our check returns the "HTTP Status Code". Our tool will advise you on how to fix any problems that it finds.
- Page Description
- See META Description
- Page Title
- See Title Tag.
- Paid Inclusion
- An advertising program where pages are guaranteed to be included in a search engine's index in exchange for payment, however no guarantee of being ranked higher is typically given.
- Stands for pay-per-click and means the same as cost-per-click.
- See Cost-Per-Click.
- Paid Listings
- Listings that search engines sell to advertisers, usually through paid placement or paid inclusion programs. In contrast, organic listings are not sold.
- Pay-for-Performance
- Popularized by some search engines as a synonym for pay-per-click, stressing to advertisers that they are only paying for ads that "perform" in terms of delivering traffic, as opposed to CPM-based ads, where ads cost money, even if they don't generate a click.
- Pay-Per-Click
- See Cost-Per-Click.
- Paid Placement
- An advertising program where listings are guaranteed to appear in response to particular search terms, with higher ranking typically obtained by paying more than other advertisers. Paid placement listings can be purchased from a portal or a search network.
- Position
- See Rank.