- Landing Page
- This is the specific Web page that a visitor ultimately reaches after clicking a search engine listing. Marketers attempt to improve conversion rates by testing various landing page creative, which encompasses the entire user experience including navigation, layout and copy.
- Link
- A URL imbedded in another document, so that if you click on the highlighted text or button referring to the link, you retrieve the outside URL. If you search the field "link:" you retrieve on text in these imbedded URLs which you do not see in the documents.
- Link Popularity
- The Link Popularity Report displays the number of quality Web sites that link to your Web site. The more links that are going to your site from other Web sites, and the more relevant those other sites are to your site's content, the better your site will rank in the search engines. Link popularity is a very strong factor in Search Engine Optimization.
- To use the Link Popularity Tool to check the status of your site's popularity just enter your Web address/URL and click Submit. You can also enter an additional URL and compare your results with other sites. You will want to have a large number of sites linking to your site, and you will want those sites to be valuable and relevant to yours in content or subject matter.
- Example: If you are a book seller, links from other well- known booksellers will be more valued by the search engines than a link from a personal home page.
- Link Text
- Text that is contained within a link. For example, search engine is a link that contains the link text "search engine."
- Listings
- The information that appears on a search engine's results page in response to a search.
- Load Time Check
- The SubmitWizard Search Engine Optimization Tool displays your page's load time depending on connection speed: (56K, ISDN 128K, T1 1.44Mbps). Below these results, all of your page's links are listed with specifications regarding their size (largest to smallest). Large images are tabbed for GIF optimization.
- Local Info
- Having your physical address information on your Web site on a separate page or at the bottom of each page may help your site with local search rankings.