Q: Do I need to download or install anything?

A: No. SuperStats® works remotely from our servers, so all you do is paste HTML code on the pages you wish to track

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Q: What can SuperStats® tell me?

A: SuperStats® tracks important information about your web site traffic. Reports include:

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Site traffic reports - Daily, monthly, and yearly reports for page views and unique visitors, and most popular pages on your site

Visitor profile reports - What browsers, operating systems, monitor settings, and languages they use, as well as which countries they came from.

Marketing reports - How did your visitors get to your site - whether through ad banners, search engines, or other people's links. Also see what keywords and search engines people use to find you!

Site Path Reports - How do your visitors navigate through your site? Where do they enter? Where do they leave your site?

Ecommerce Reports - What is your cost per acquisition? Who sends you the most valuable buyers?

Q: Can I track more than one page with the same account?

A: Yes. SuperStats® is designed to work with every page of your web site if you wish. Just place the SuperStats® HTML code on every page you wish to track.

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Q: What if I want to track several web sites with different base URLs?

A: To track pages with different base URL's, you will need separate SuperStats® accounts for each one. SuperStats® does, however, allow you to track any number of pages within the same base URL

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Q: Does SuperStats® show a counter on my page?

A: It does not. If you would like a counter for your web site, try MyComputer.com's Counter product.

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Q: What if someone uses a browser to visit my site that doesn't support JavaScript?

A: The only browsers that don't support JavaScript are Netscape 1.0, Internet Explorer 2.0 and lower and other browsers that are very old or used on a very limited basis. In the event that someone visits your site with one of those browsers, your SuperStats® code includes a "NoScript" function that will still record the hit and some basic information.

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Q: Why don't the number of Daily Unique Visitors for the month, equal the Monthly Unique Visitors total?

A: The Daily Unique Visitors report tells you how many unique visitors have come to your web site on a particular day. The Monthly Unique Visitors report tells you how many unique visitors have come to your website during a particular month. For example, if I came to your website on January 1, 2005 for the first time, this hit would be recorded as both a Daily Unique Visitor, for January 1 and a Monthly Unique Visitor for January. If I came back the next day, January 2nd, this hit would be recorded as a Daily Unique Visitor for January 2, but NOT as an additional Monthly Unique Visitor for January.

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Q: How do I access my SuperStats® reports?

A: Just login to your account at www.mycomputer.com and click on SuperStats® in the Active Services column of your Control Center.

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Q: How do I add pages/track pages with my account?

A: Simply paste the code on the pages you wish to track. After you've placed SuperStats® code on those pages, they will show up in your reports when the first visit is recorded to that page. (You can initiate a page by visiting it yourself.)

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Q: I put the code on my home page, but I don't know how to track traffic to the rest of the pages on my site.

A: The SuperStats® code must be installed on every web page that you wish to track. You only need to copy the same code on to each page on your site. All the pages will appear individually in your reports, as long as they have the same base URL.

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Q: I have added the code to all of my pages, but some of them don't show up in my reports.

A: A page does not show up in SuperStats® until it has recorded a visit. You can visit the page yourself to initiate it in your reports. It may take a few minutes for the page to appear.

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Q: Why isn't SuperStats® registering any data?

This is mostly likely because the SuperStats® code has not been put on the page. SuperStats® code must be installed on every web page that you wish to track. You only need to copy the same code on to each page on your site.

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Q: I'm experiencing some delay in seeing traffic show up in my SuperStats® reports.

A: From time to time, you may see a slight delay in visits "showing up" on your reports, usually due to high Web traffic. However, these delays are generally rare, and very short in duration.

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Q: What is the difference between a page view and a visitor?

A: A "visitor" is an individual person. A "page view" is a visit to a page. If a person goes to your web site and visits three pages, it will be counted as 1 visitor and 3 page views. The "page view" number tells you how many times your web pages were loaded in other people's browsers. The "visitors" number tells you how many unique individuals came to your site each day (i.e. from midnight to midnight).

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Q: In the Site Path report, why are there no paths longer than 5 pages?

A: The longest path SuperStats® will record is 5 pages. If the path is longer than 5 pages, the 5th page is marked as the exit page.

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Q: Why does the Visitor Detail Report only have information for 250 visitors?

A: The Visitor Detail Report will store information for the last 250 visitors to your website. Visitors beyond 250 are automatically removed.

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Q: How can I give custom names to my pages?

A: To name your pages, use the Name your Pages section of your SuperStats® manager. To access this, go to your SuperStats® Report Navigator and select the "Manager" link at the top. From the new window displayed, select the "Name Your Pages" link.

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Q: What are Referrers?

A: The Referrers report helps you to see how people are finding your web pages. It tells you how many people arrived at your site from various destinations, whether it be another page, an email link, or a bookmark in their browser. The Search Engine report provides more details on referrals from search engines, including keywords used by searchers to find your site.

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Q: I selected to have my hits from my personal computer excluded in SuperStats® reports, but it is not working. Why?

A: This feature works by using browser cookies. If you have deleted browser cookies recently, you will need to log into SuperStats® and exclude hits by your computer again.

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Q: What are Domain Names and IP Addresses?

A: Every computer that is connected to the Internet has a unique IP Address associated with it. Even if you use AOL, MSN, or a local service provider! When you log on to the Internet, your ISP usually dynamically assigns you an IP address when you go out to surf the Web. This number is a four-part number such as (Note that IP addresses don't reveal the identity of the individual user.) Reviewing your domains report can help you identify who's visiting your page - including specific companies, and even competitors. If you notice you have a lot of AOL users, you may want to take extra measures to ensure your page looks good from within the AOL browser.

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Q: What does it mean if I have stats in the "Other" category?

A: Occasionally when someone visits your site with a non-standard browser, or for some reason the page data that's passed comes through corrupted, SuperStats® cannot identify the page visited. That data is placed in the "Other" category. This will also occur if you have SuperStats® code for this account on another page with a different base URL. You should have a separate account for each site with a unique base URL.

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Q: Why are pages on my own site recorded as referrals?

A: Referring pages are the pages that the visitor was on just before they visited your page. If a visitor was at another page in your site and then came to the page that you have the banner on, that previous page will show up as a referral. Hitting the "reload" button will also generate same-page referrals.

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